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Piacentinu Ennese: the treasure of Enna

In the picturesque province of Enna, in Sicily, hides a cheese with a unique flavor, highly appreciated in Italy and abroad: Piacentinu Ennese DOP. This cheese, with Protected Designation of Origin, carries with it a history of tradition and cheese-making craftsmanship that dates back centuries.
Piacentinu Ennese DOP has ancient roots, dating back to the period of Saracen settlement in Sicily. It was they who introduced the practice of shepherding and developed techniques for producing high-quality cheeses. Over the centuries, this tradition has been passed down from generation to generation, reaching the present day.
The ingredients of Piacentinu Ennese DOP are simple and of high quality. Its base is raw sheep's milk, primarily from native Sicilian breeds such as Comisana, Pinzirita, and Valle del Belìce. These sheep graze freely in the lush meadows of the province of Enna, feeding on aromatic and wild herbs, which give the cheese its unique flavor.
The taste of Piacentinu Ennese DOP is a blend of intense and complex flavors. The texture is firm yet soft on the palate, with a slight sweetness that harmoniously merges with salty and slightly spicy notes. The flavor is enriched by saffron stigmas that color the cheese yellow and alter its taste, giving it a distinctive personality appreciated by connoisseurs. Saffron is a spice imported from the East but is now known and cultivated in many parts of Italy, becoming a heritage of the province of Enna.
The production process of Piacentinu Ennese DOP is meticulous and adheres to strict quality regulations. After collecting fresh milk, it is heated to a controlled temperature, and natural rennet obtained from calves under 30 days old is added. Once coagulated, the milk is cut into small curds and allowed to rest. Subsequently, the curds are manually collected and placed in typical "fiscelle," which are reed baskets that give the cheese its characteristic shape.
After the molding phase, Piacentinu Ennese DOP is carefully salted and left to age for a minimum of 60 days. During this period, the cheese is stored in cool and well-ventilated rooms, where it gradually develops its distinctive aromas. During aging, the cheeses are periodically turned and brushed to ensure even maturation and the proper development of flavors.
The final result is an exceptionally high-quality cheese that encapsulates the soul and tradition of the province of Enna. Piacentinu Ennese DOP is admired and appreciated not only in Sicily but also nationally and internationally for its excellence and authenticity.
In addition to being a delicious cheese to enjoy on its own, Piacentinu Ennese DOP is a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Its texture makes it suitable for grating and enhancing first courses, such as pasta alla norma, or for inclusion on cheese boards, accompanied by honey or jams. In Enna, Piacentinu Ennese DOP is also used in the preparation of the traditional Pizza Ennese.
In conclusion, Piacentinu Ennese DOP is an authentic treasure of the province of Enna, a cheese that embodies the passion and cheese-making craftsmanship passed down over the centuries. Its ancient origins, high-quality ingredients, unique saffron flavor, and artisanal production process make it a product of excellence. Anyone fortunate enough to taste it can savor a piece of Sicilian history and tradition, enriching their palate with unique and unforgettable flavors.

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