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Canyon Serieri Cateratta

SS 117 bis, Enna
See on map 
Average Visit Duration: 5 hours
Price: FREE
Along the San Giovannello Valley, also known erroneously as Torcicoda, the waters have carved a deep canyon in the thick banks of ocher calcarenite from the Pliocene. Despite being a short distance from the town of Enna, the landscape here is extremely wild. The valley is characterized by small rapids, passages in the gorge, and various testimonies of human presence, such as abandoned mills and the vast and spectacular San Tommaso shelter.

Periods and opening times

all days of the year

Rules of visit

"Necessary Equipment: Comfortable clothing suitable for the season, a backpack, hiking shoes, and a 1.5-liter water bottle. Recommended Equipment: A rain cape, binoculars, a camera, and hiking poles."

How to reach Canyon Serieri Cateratta

bike by car/motorcycle
"It can be reached from the SS 117 bis in the section between the Benesiti Junction and the Scioltalbino Junction."

Suitable if / for:

  • families with children
  • necessary guidance


Waterfall  •  mills  •  prehistory

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